As long as you have good reasons, a potential employer will understand.
The information collected in this research allows employers to understand the value of their benefit plans compared to state and industry averages.
Let us say that my employer had known Capital Prime for many years, and thus understood him.
Provides a guide to help employers understand legal requirements for pension plans.
Rousseau developed the concept of a psychological contract in order to better specify how employers and employees understand the employment relationship.
I think if you're totally up front, most employers will understand and respect you for discussing it with them.
The court said, "Both employer and agent must have understood that the lips of the other were to be forever sealed."
They help employers and employees understand the Regulations.
When a policy is in place, both the employer and employee will understand what is expected of each other.
They can't take another day off just for this tournament, because in this country, most employers here don't understand the game.