Sixty-four percent said most employers show less loyalty to their workers now than in the past.
And an employer must show that the decision was made using purely objective criteria.
There could be objective justification if the employer showed the disparate treatment was based on a "real need" of the business.
Another is over how employers could show there was a "business necessity" for the practice.
One area in which employers and institutions show their true colors: how they choose to observe a holiday that falls on a Saturday.
But employers must also show leadership to deal with a crisis when it occurs.
For the last decade or more, many employers have shown a willingness to scale back their work force if it makes strategic sense.
Indeed, many employers show performance evaluations to employees at the time they are written, and offer a chance to respond in writing.
Details information and resources on how employers can show support for veterans through hiring.
In such matters an employer must show a great deal of flexibility.