A total of 21 submissions were received from various industry participants including employer representatives, subcontractors, the resources sector and academics.
In this function, he symbolized the adaptation of French socialism to the market economy and struck up hearty relations with employer representatives.
One of the members was to be an employer representative and the other an employee representative.
The United Mine Workers were fighting for the closed shop when the board's public and employer representatives voted that the issue should be submitted to binding arbitration.
The Advisory Committee on Women's Employment, which I chair and which includes employer representatives, has discussed child care on a number of occasions.
The membership is tripartite, including scientific experts, employer representatives and employee representatives.
It's part of an ingoing programme of meetings where there's consultation between employee representatives and employer representatives.
But employer representatives said the agreement, which officials called a "pilot project," might be copied in other states, making it more difficult for employers to keep control of their health plans.
In its capacity as employer representative, Swissmem negotiates the terms of the collective bargaining agreement for the MEM industries with the unions.
The trustee structure of "must generally consist of equal numbers of "employer representatives" and "member representatives".