In Hawaii, for instance, employees can go directly to their health insurer to request birth control coverage, even if their employer opposes it.
Even large employers who provide generous mental health benefits oppose a federal requirement for strict parity.
Many states have adopted health care initiatives out of concern that their budgets were being drained by health costs, but big employers oppose those initiatives.
They did not have the money to stay out on strike or take other sorts of actions that their employers opposed..
The Bush Administration and many employers vigorously oppose the mandated approach, but some companies have endorsed the Kennedy bill.
But small employers bitterly oppose mandates because, they say, it will bury them in costs and force them to lay off workers.
Insurers and employers had opposed similar proposals in the past, saying the plans would drive up costs.
Workingmen will continue to demand more pay, and the employer will naturally oppose them.
Many employers, too, oppose any provision that would penalize them for hiring illegal workers, knowingly or not.
Most employers oppose union plans for card check elections and employ tactics to insure secret ballot elections instead.