On the 11th point, the Senate recommended that the lower house require employers to grant higher severance pay when they lay off workers.
Requires employers to grant a leave of absence to employees upon the adoption of hard-to-place or handicapped children.
"Although my employer has not granted a pay raise this year, I am increasing my donation."
California law requires employers to grant as much as four months of unpaid leave to women when childbearing makes them physically unable to work.
The employer, however, must grant her request for a leave of absence as a reasonable accommodation, barring undue hardship.
The effect of these policies was to encourage unions to bargain for pensions and to pressure employers to grant them.
Employers must give their consent before a union may be established within the firm in question; under the law, employers must grant such approval.
He said providing nontraditional families with a way to get state registration certificates would encourage employers to grant them the same benefits as other families.
Mr. Reagan has threatened to veto any legislation that would force employers to grant parental leave.
Must employers grant leave to employees called up by the National Guard or Reserve?