She'd been there for less than two weeks when her employers discovered she has leukaemia.
He worked as a messenger for a while, then lost his job when his employer discovered he was driving with a suspended license.
But now employers are discovering how difficult it is to get one half of a couple when they don't particularly want the other.
But these stars deserve only as much sympathy as the people who get fired because their employers discover a "my boss is awful" blog posting.
One day Gut's employer discovered that she was concealing Jews in his house.
Obviously, he was thinking of what would happen to him if his employers discovered he had identified them.
And you'll be killed if my employers discover that you know it.
They were still employees of Woolworths at the time, and their employment was terminated once their employer discovered their job on the side.
As the program evolves, this entire outline is subject to change as the employers, faculty and students discover what works best.
Q. Won't employers discover your history anyway?