Several past and present employees of the company testified that throughout numerous fumigations in Virginia, safety standards, including the air monitoring, were never followed.
Former partners and employees will so testify at trial.
Thirteen employees testified to using the pipe to discharge contaminated water.
A former employee of Great Benefit testifies that the scheme generated an extra $40 million in revenue for the company.
They no longer sit next to each other, but during the trial a former employee testified that the two had regularly slept in the same bed.
At least 20 employees have testified, a Bronx official said.
Since the trial began, numerous former employees have testified against the Salvagnos, some as part of their own plea agreements.
Eight current and former employees of the agency testified to the variety of abuses the investigation claims to have found.
Microsoft officials have said the employees were testifying as private individuals, not on behalf of the company.
As a policy, the United Nations says it cannot force employees to testify before parliamentary panels because of their diplomatic immunity.