The State Supreme Court is expected to decide today whether temporarily to block a policy at a metals factory that requires employees suspected of stealing to remove a layer of clothing.
He hires one of his own children as his personal lawyer; and he learns that his son-in-law is the employee suspected of being in cahoots with Dixon.
The new policy defines circumstances under which a district can test current employees suspected of using drugs.
Many former lawmakers are being detained by authorities, along with activists and medical employees suspected by the authorities of sympathising with protesters during the crackdown.
Prosecutors say they do not demand outright that a company under investigation disclose its legal secrets or cut legal fees to employees suspected of wrongdoing.
For example, during some labor troubles in 1982, they said, nuts and bolts were thrown into some reactors, and four employees suspected in the incident left the plant.
From now on, he warned, employees suspected of theft - and their work areas - would be searched.
The Orange Police Department said yesterday that it had completed its investigation of six employees suspected of possible sexual misconduct.
Last month, an article by Michael Slackman of The Times described several cases in which state employees suspected of ethics violations simply walked away from their jobs.
Under Federal laws governing dismissal of employees suspected of being security risks, the State Department is required to submit a summary of charges "stated as specifically as security considerations permit."