If the employee opts to make a lump sum contribution, the Partnership Shares must be purchased within 30 days of the deduction from salary.
Unless employees opt out of the plan, they stay in.
Most employees who are given the choice opt, quite naturally, to keep their pensions.
If the employee opts to take two weeks' leave, they must be taken together.
For months, plaintiffs' lawyers and company officials have feared that African-American employees would opt out of the federal lawsuit and join Mr. Gary's case instead.
Second, they encourage wealthy corporate employees to opt out of company health plans, further undermining the already fraying system of employment-based health insurance.
This will see employers contribute 3pc of salary, Government 1pc and employees 4pc of salary - unless the employee opts out of this scheme.
With 530 employees of a total of 4,000 opting for the plan, 90 jobs that were to have been cut were saved.
If your employee opted out of the health plan because it is too expensive or the deductible too high, you should re-examine the plan.
Again, employees can opt out of that schedule of increases.