He began writing a weekly employee newsletter and said he wanted Revlon on lists of the top 100 companies for employees.
With practically every flight full, the lead item in United's employee newsletter said: "Going to Hawaii?
US Airways said in an employee newsletter released yesterday that it had stopped deferring 5 percent of workers' pay.
Mr. Wolf has said in employee newsletters that he considers the advance of low-cost rivals "truly distressing."
Indeed, when the store first opened, the 943 large windows in the pyramid-style building were highlighted in the employee newsletter.
We're going to create an employee newsletter.
Also included are a Ninja Burger job application, menu and employee newsletter.
Employees who have made I.Q.S. contributions get kudos in the employee newsletter.
That practice dropped after the employee newsletter suggested wrapping a napkin around the cup, she added.
Real TVA employees tell how they feel about their jobs in this special feature of the employee newsletter.