One employee has established a Web site about employee lawsuits against E.D.S. connected with the layoffs; it lists 57 active cases, including two class-action claims.
These employee lawsuits were settled out of court, and as part of the settlement the exact amount of proceeds generated by the for-profit Weigh Down workshop were sealed.
The agency argued that lawyers who brought the employee lawsuit, which had not yet been certified by the judge as a class action, did not represent all of Texaco's minority employees.
The Supreme Court cited errors by the trial judge, such as striking from the case the disputed issue of whether the university shared the hospital's immunity from employee lawsuits under workers' compensation laws.
(Presumably the employers made the default investment highly conservative to eliminate downside risk and possible employee lawsuits.)
The IRS continues to warn many companies they may owe employment taxes for their temporary workers and employee lawsuits over temping repeat the same arguments.
In the wake of employee lawsuits, most companies have not increased hiring of staff in positions typically held by permatemps.
The company continues to struggle from a critical television news report, numerous shareholder and employee lawsuits and growing competition from other nonunion groceries following the path Food Lion blazed.
The Labor Department has identified those costs as an important benefits issue, and trade publications for benefits managers have written about the employee lawsuits that companies may face if they do not control 401(k) expenses.
Others refused to comment, perhaps out of concern that employee lawsuits might be inspired just by discussion of releases.