Another 85 employees did not contribute, of whom two left the company, it said.
The company and its employees contributed $137,000 from the time she was elected in 2000 through the end of 2005.
The other employees contributed $3,682 for the girl, and another $2,000 was raised at a party last weekend.
Second, for the first time the union agreed that employees would contribute to their health care benefit plan.
Employees contribute more than 50,000 volunteer hours each year in the communities where they live and work.
The newspaper reported that the company's employees had contributed more than $200,000 to the governor and other Democrats since 1997.
Thereafter, the employee works and contributes value to the company.
Since then, employees of the firm and their spouses have contributed an additional $107,000 to the Clinton campaign.
Many plans require the employee to contribute in order for an account to be established.
It was a good example of how employees can contribute to solving pollution problems.