The escape clause does not apply if the employee has committed a crime like larceny or bribery.
There are several types of job frauds that employees or potential employees commit against employers.
If an employee commits an improper act as part of the job, it is difficult for the government to argue that it should not be public, he said.
A. Perhaps the worst blunder an employee can commit during a presentation is displaying an egregious lack of preparation.
He used this information to produce the 200-page report examining, in minute detail, the hours that employees committed to hundreds of pursuits.
Someone hazards the guess that the employee has committed the tort of conversion or the crime of theft.
Crises occur when an employee or former employee commits violence against other employees on organizational grounds.
Summary termination by the employer may be justified if the employee has committed a serious or fundamental breach of a material term of the contract.
This employee commits to the organization because he/she "wants to".
The number of operating rules and procedures that employees must now commit to memory is substantial.