This means it is not possible to change from one platform to the other without paying another fare or asking for employee assistance.
Good morning Focus employee assistance, can I help you?
The bride's father is a regional manager in employee assistance for International Telephone and Telegraph in New York.
The Project Slammer report concedes that "it is not possible to determine whether employee assistance, private counseling or other therapeutic applications would have made a significant difference in these cases."
Catholic Family Services - School assistance, marriage, employee assistance, separation, abortion healing, etc.
Depending on the size of your company you can opt to have an on-site certified employee assistance professional, or you can contract with someone outside.
FOR more than 20 years Linda Costanza, a social worker, has worked in programs on aging, mental health and employee assistance.
Her responsibilities will include benefits and employment as well as The Times's employee assistance, medical and safety programs.
David Harrington, a vice president with Human Affairs International, which provides employee assistance to several hundred businesses, said some companies were reminding their employees that counseling was available without charge.
Other areas of I/O psychology involve the development of policy and programs in employee assistance, rehabilitation, stress management and health promotion.