Around the same time, the former female employee accused him in turn of sexual harassment.
Former employees accused him of disregarding his office's mandate to investigate waste, fraud and abuse, The Post reported.
Many employees at Roosevelt Raceway accused the owners of not doing anything to improve conditions or generate business.
When they finally did, the employee freaked out and accused my aunt of racism (he was Latino, I believe).
Carry out a full investigation if necessary, eg where the employee is accusing a colleague of sexual harassment.
She and other employees accuse the company of trying to intimidate workers to keep the union out.
(The employee accused him of assault, a charge later dismissed.)
The spokesman said the 28 public employees accused had been suspended, and that they would be expelled from their publicly subsidized housing if convicted.
And now I really have to go, before my employees accuse me of slacking.
Some employees also accused Ms. Hurt of playing favorites in managing her staff.