Only employees connected to the LAN via a special network password can access the company intranet.
Elsewhere, employees can access their data through terminal server, which allows users to log in remotely.
How flexible are your IT arrangements, eg can employees access their email away from the workplace?
Payroll cards allow employees to access their pay through various means and help to introduce financial products to customers who do not own a checking account.
Instead of the Android Market, employees can access a catalog of corporate-approved applications.
The hospital conducted an audit and announced that 27 employees had accessed Clooney's information without prior authorization.
With the right software and hardware, employees can access customer details and histories instantly.
He looked at the system-log files to see which employees had accessed the drives recently.
The company ran some of these services on intranet technology, called myHR, in which clients' employees could access general data on human resources.
Several organizations have set up VPNs so their employees can safely access the private data of the company.