Other works employ materials with a history of social use.
To this day, indeed, leather is one of the most frequently employed materials for chair covering.
The materials employed should be of the best quality, the most beautiful, which means that they are usually the most expensive.
Taking on many clients, they employ standardized materials and strategies for different campaigns.
Many of the artists employ color, composition and materials in remarkably unconventional ways.
Built at a cost of nearly $10 million, the building employs many state-of-the-art building techniques and materials.
The artist employs natural materials such as leaves, sand, ice, and stone that often originate from the site of the project.
Restorations during the Meiji period often employed new materials and techniques.
Hence, these have been more easily integrated as materials employed in these regimes.
Other materials employed in her work include clay, rope, wax, wood, and burlap.