The language employed by all parties was relatively clear, although not completely.
They often employed Swahili language in order to indicate their political themes.
The film often employs melodramatic language that falls short.
As a result, he said, employing critical legal language, the trucks posed an "unreasonable" risk of death or injury.
This is the same language often employed by the college administrators and athletic directors and coaches.
Like the biblical "psalms of lament", they employ intimate and personal language.
Dante means no insult or lack of seriousness when he employs such low-style language.
The audience was shocked by the frankness of the language employed by the characters.
In clinical assessment of this aphasia, it is noted that the patient cannot clearly articulate the language being employed.
A combined emphasis on fluency of the language employed and a translation close to the original texts yielded a result which is considered very good.