During the primary, Sanchez was accused of employing illegal immigrants at his roofing business.
Italians employing illegal immigrants save on social security payments and are not eager to pick up these costs.
Later, when he owned a small, unsuccessful oil company, he employed Mexican immigrants in the fields.
Martin employed various European immigrants as household servants in his Brooklyn home for many years.
But if we're willing to enforce laws, let's simply enforce the ones we already have against employing illegal immigrants.
Moreover, the end of the cold war presents Israel with a great challenge and opportunity: to build a high-tech civilian economy that would employ immigrants.
The people who benefit are those who employ illegal immigrants.
It employs, among others, Cambodian immigrants, former welfare recipients and a formerly homeless man.
Businesses covertly employed illegal immigrants, but kept a wary eye out for government officials.
Businesses currently employ illegal immigrants without much concern about penalties or consequences.