The company employed, at its peak, 3,000 people in Sheffield and had an annual turnover of £1m.
Eventually, he says, he was forced to give up the small business, which employed 75 people at its peak.
Starting with 850 workers, it employed as many as 35,000 at its peak.
The plant employed 5,700 at its peak and 2,500 when it was shut.
The plant employed more than 5,000 at its peak.
The $45 million plant employed 3500 at its peak and operated from 1942 to 1945.
The firm employed nearly 60 staff at its peak in the early 1930s.
The "Adventure" pit employed 389 people at its peak in 1940.
The company, which structured and sold real estate tax shelters, employed 100 at its peak.
It employed a workforce of 2,235 at its peak in 1938.