At a news conference today, Mr. Nelson emphatically opposed the four-month delay approved by the Senate.
As many of you probably recall, I emphatically oppose his approach to synchronization and don't find his arguments on this subject particularly compelling.
The most divisive questions are over proposals the Administration favors, as well as one it emphatically opposes.
Deng emphatically opposed Party factionalism, and his policies aimed to promote unity as the first step to restoring economic productivity.
Protests erupted from all across the bridge, some of them in favor of his decision, most of them emphatically opposed.
At the risk of alienating swing voters and losing on the ultimate ratification vote, Federalists emphatically opposed the compromise.
As you will see, the majority of the board oppose emphatically the granting of State funds for what they describe as a "fantastic scheme."
We see this, for example, in recital F, which emphatically opposes the attitude that 'labour market considerations are subordinated to economic policy' .
I am at the same time emphatically opposed to moderating amendments that have been tabled in respect of this unambiguous draft resolution.