The Assembly wants to emphasize solutions besides building prisons.
Instead, his aides say, Mr. Bush has pursued a cooperative approach that emphasizes voluntary solutions instead of government mandates.
In the United States, mediator codes-of-conduct emphasize "client-directed" solutions rather than imposed solutions.
Mr. Bush instead emphasized longer-term solutions, including conservation, new energy technologies and speeded efforts to approve and build power plants.
Austin encourages people to stay fit at all ages, and conducts research with experts in nutrition, to emphasize realistic, real-life solutions to weight control and fitness.
Their efforts build upon counterpart relationships and emphasize low-cost solutions that make maximum use of local resources.
Putting aside old, one-size-fits-all approaches to development, a new school of thought emphasizes more specific grass-roots solutions.
The report emphasises constructive solutions such as the importance of disseminating knowledge about the victims of Nazism and Communism.
We have to get used to the idea of emphasising regional solutions until an international treaty is drawn up that is legally binding for every player.
Bioregionalism stresses that the determination of a bioregion is also a cultural phenomenon, and emphasizes local populations, knowledge, and solutions.