School 21 also emphasizes reading, Ms. Delgado added, and has a 40-minute silent reading period first thing every morning.
She attributed the growth to teachers like Maggie Siena who emphasize reading, especially nonfiction works.
Around 1987 the school revised its first and second year Spanish courses to emphasize reading, speaking, understanding, and writing skills.
Every afternoon the teachers at Open Windows use a book read aloud to ground an activity designed to emphasize reading, writing, creative, listening, and thinking skills.
The schools could be limited to four semesters and would emphasize mathematics and reading and writing in English, as well as study skills.
Edison emphasized teacher training, intensive reading, discipline and core values like respect, dignity and compassion.
The school emphasized basic reading, writing and arithmetic, along with black culture.
Emphasizes reading, language arts, mathematics and science achievement as "core academic subjects."
The countries that follow the Theravada tradition strongly emphasize reading, reciting, and learning the actual discourses of the Buddha.
The German faculty emphasizes the speaking and reading of short, simple sentences and putting them to practical use.