The 3rd Party Congress convened in July 1950 and emphasized industrial progress.
A number of the options for measuring school performance being discussed suggest a shift away from emphasizing yearly progress to allow school systems more leeway for annual fluctuations.
The scoring system emphasizes successful progress through the adventure.
Critics in the Vatican said these views incorrectly emphasized political progress over eternal salvation and confrontation over dialogue.
The bloody December strikes brought down Gomułka and replaced him with Edward Gierek, a technocrat who emphasized economic progress.
Varying conceptualizations of historicity emphasize linear progress or the repetition or modulation of past events.
The Tianyinzi emphasizes gradual progress toward the Dao through simplicity, fasting, seclusion, visualization, sitting in forgetfulness, and spirit liberation.
Trying to Be 'Realistic' But again, Green emphasized progress, not overnight miracles.
Kim emphasized technological and educational progress in the countryside as well as collective forms of ownership and management.
Emphasising real, sustained progress, and also research and development.