Many were national retail chains that promised rapid expansion, but would emphasize foreign production and likely, a departure from Dexter's family style of running the business.
Experts certainly agree that the Soviet Union, which long emphasized heavy industry and military production at the expense of consumers, needs all the help it can get.
With the notable exceptions of Khrushchev and possibly Gorbachev, Soviet leaders since the late 1920s have emphasized military production over investment in the civilian economy.
Some follow Marx in trying to identify the basic dimensions of society that explain the other dimensions, most emphasizing either economic production or political power.
For example, it emphasizes production by worker teams with power to make a range of decisions normally reserved for management.
But Republicans involved in tracking votes said they were confident that the overall bill would pass and would be perceived as emphasizing conservation and production.
But in the 3-4, which emphasizes production from the team's linebackers, a frequent strength on Parcells-coached teams, Douglas was pushed inside the defensive alignment.
The basic concept was to build the songs from small pieces, emphasizing editing and production over playing and recording.
Later Bose models have deliberately emphasized production of both direct and reflected sound by the loudspeaker itself, regardless of its environment.
The station, under the tenure of founder and president Betty Cope, had emphasized production of educational programming for schools.