The Standards consistently emphasize choice, respect, and opportunity for all clubhouse members.
Historian Eric Foner has argued that a free-labor ideology dominated thinking in the North, which emphasized economic opportunity.
BUTT has been praised for its unabashed sexual and non-sexual portrayals of men, which emphasize equal opportunity in depictions of all peoples in print.
What distinguishes the current standards movement from past hortatory rhetoric is that it emphasizes equal opportunity as much as achievement, through a national curriculum - goals on which both liberals and conservatives should be able to agree.
The advertisements emphasized issues like immigration and economic opportunity and used few attack advertisement techniques, omnipresent on English-language television, to close the deal.
The association, he says, will emphasize educational excellence, economic opportunity and values for the young, to whom he wants to give hope.
In the 1960's, the explosive growth of state university systems was hailed as a triumph of liberal capitalism, a distinct American variation on the welfare state that emphasized opportunity over entitlement.
"We must move from a system that encourages dependence to one that emphasizes work, self-sufficiency and opportunity."
Clinton and Jackson both emphasize jobs, opportunity and education.
For example, aides to both Governor Dukakis and Mr. Hart said they believe black voters will be receptive to campaigns emphasizing economic growth and opportunity in 1988.