Our church emphasizes openness about problems in our marriages or families, and if there was a problem, we would know.
He emphasized openness in government and publicly disclosed official entertainment expenses, and he offended hard-line nationalists by criticizing the national anthem, which has strong militarist connotations.
A big merger would also be a striking departure from tradition at Hewlett-Packard, a company that has grown organically and nurtured a close-knit culture emphasizing trust, openness and consensus, known as the "H.P. Way."
By contrast, a fostering strategy generally involves taking an "integrative" or win-win approach to the negotiations, combined with a "consensus" approach to internal relations in both sides, and an attitudinal approach that emphasizes openness and understanding.
The designs emphasize flexibility and openness as architectural metaphors for an enlightened society that has progressed beyond pigeonholes.
As Mayor, Roxanne emphasized openness and accessibility, collaborative public-private partnerships, and community and economic development.
When meeting Emperor Wuzong to thank him, Li Deyu emphasized the importance of entrusting the chancellors with the affairs of state, as well as openness between the emperor and his officials, both points that Emperor Wuzong agreed with.
For example, Dalio encourages employees to do "whatever it takes to make the company great" and emphasizes transparency and openness in its decision making processes.