While there were nationalistic aspects of the Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s, the Movement tended to emphasize civil rights and political and social inclusion rather than nationalism.
'Racial Inclusion' For instance, while in recent months Mr. Chavis has publicly embraced black figures like Louis Farrakhan who have long advocated keeping political distance from whites, Mr. Price's speech emphasizes "racial inclusion."
Whitby, however, emphasizes the legal scholar's acceptance and inclusion of information written by other historians who adopted opposing stances, when he discerned that their accounts were reliable.
Rather than place more authority in a system that divides the haves from the have-nots, why not invest in a single-payer system that emphasizes inclusion over exclusion?
LSC Vice President for Programs Randi Youells repeatedly emphasized diversity and inclusion in her speeches to the legal services community.
The policy of "complementarity" emphasized inclusion and collaboration between Armenia and its neighbors.
The use of the 'neighbourhood unit' in this way emphasises exclusion rather than inclusion as initially intended.
It is essential that Member States and partners engaged in the Barcelona Process emphasise inclusion of the gender perspective in all policies and specific measures which promote equal opportunities for men and women.
Reflecting Icelandic cultural values of tolerance, equity, and celebrating differences rather than individualism, current government policy emphasizes inclusion, or "one school for all", although segregated classrooms and schools are still permitted and supported.