Governor Bush has tackled environmental problems creatively, with a new approach that emphasizes cooperation over conflict.
The game features strictly player versus environment action and emphasizes cooperation between players.
They emphasized close cooperation and shared goals but proposed no novel strategies or solutions.
Have clear expectations without being overly rigid; emphasize cooperation over competition.
The manifesto emphasises international cooperation, welfare state reform, environmental policy and social tolerance.
The security conference plans to agree on a 12-section charter emphasizing cooperation among former adversaries in building a new European security order.
This is why it is good to emphasise cooperation.
Nonetheless, these exercises also need to take place in regional areas, while at the same time emphasising cross-border cooperation.
He also emphasized close cooperation between Israeli and French authorities in regards to the case.
While the books group was given a more distinct identity with the creation of the subsidiary, the company has also been emphasizing cooperation.