However, they went along with the many changes in the hope that the increasing emphasis on training might help our young people to find jobs.
The emphasis on the use of "mini-libraries" helped to create greater access for the people.
The emphasis on perception, indeed, could help bring art and science into coherent relationship.
This early emphasis on quality has helped the neighborhood maintain its appeal over a long period of time.
In fact, it is increasingly apparent that more emphasis on rehabilitation may actually help reduce crime.
This emphasis helped to make tourism Kenya's primary industry.
An emphasis on video sales has helped to increase revenues.
Also helping are awesome female characters, an emphasis on relationships - and the zeal with which some boys talk about little else.
In effect, I argue that greater judicial emphasis upon active liberty will help to bring about better law.
A greater emphasis on the passing game helped professional football to further distinguish itself from the college game during the late 1930s.