The emperor considered that this diplomatic victory over the most powerful nation of the world was sufficient and renewed friendly relations between the nations.
By 1810, due mainly to the economic pressures of enforcing the Continental System, both emperors were considering war with one another.
"But an emperor, in his conduct, must always consider the public good; and there are matters of state involved, which a woman can scarcely be expected to understand."
The emperors of ancient China considered themselves as the dragon.
The emperor considered her words as he glanced over at a woman who had come in with platters of dried fruits, sweetmeats, and nuts.
As an imperial general, he served under Wallenstein but signed the first Pilsen Revers, which the emperor considered a betrayal.
Roman emperors considered flamingo tongues as a delicacy.
Caradoc said, more thoughtfully, 'The Trinovantes said that your emperor considered himself a god.
No later emperor would seriously consider re-initiating the expeditions.
The emperor considered himself as a benevolent one with donations of money and land to temples.