The emperor claimed the marriage had been contracted without his consent and was invalid.
The emperor still claimed to be a supernatural being, although the outward form of this personality cult had become Christian.
Eventually, the emperor claims his need for peace as grounds for divorce.
The possibly mythical emperor Fu Hsi claimed that the Trigrams were the basis for mathematics.
The first Christian emperor, Constantine later claimed that before the battle he'd seen a vision of the cross and the message 'with this sign you will conquer'.
This formed the basis for State Shintōism, as the Japanese emperor claimed direct descent from Amaterasu.
The German emperors apparently claimed this right of possession more for the sake of taxing the Jews than of protecting them.
Taoism gained official status in China during the Tang Dynasty, whose emperors claimed Laozi as their relative.
Germans were outraged that their emperor claimed to have helped the British against the Boers, who were perceived to be of German origin.
At a later date, some Roman emperors claimed descent from Scipio Africanus.