This emperor attempted to re-establish the cult of Helios, the sun.
Too much of the world already knows what the emperor attempted.
According to tradition, the emperor attempted to force the saint to denounce her faith, and even offered to marry her.
A large number of Bohemian nobles were Protestant and they feared that a Catholic emperor would attempt to impose Catholicism on Bohemia.
Duyet often disobeyed Minh Mang's orders, and the emperor attempted to reduce the Duyet's autonomous power, which became easier with the general's death in 1831.
He and his government resigned less than a year later on 14 April 1921 when the former emperor, Karl IV, attempted to retake Hungary's throne.
Although some eastern emperors occasionally attempted to reconquer some parts of the West, none were as successful as Justinian.
The empire's decline was shown in 450, where the emperor attempted to destroy the Northern Wei himself, and launched a massive invasion.
The first Roman emperor, Augustus, framed his ascent to sole power as a return to traditional morality, and attempted to regulate the conduct of women through moral legislation.
The first Roman emperor, Augustus, attempted to regulate the conduct of women through moral legislation.