The emperor ascends the throne, to his right the astrologer.
I don't think the emperor will ascend the throne.
Since 1873, an era and the first year of that era has begun on the day of the year that the emperor ascended the throne.
When a young or weak-minded emperor ascended to the throne, these Three Excellencies could dominate the affairs of state.
In 361, a violently anti-Christian emperor by the name of Julian ascended to the throne.
Here the emperor ascended, with many principal lords of his court, to have an opportunity of viewing me, as I was told, for I could not see them.
A tradition developed that an emperor should ascend relatively young.
The emperor ascended a dais at one end of the room and seated himself upon a throne, and the entertainment commenced.
When a new emperor ascended the throne two years later, Huang Zongxi set off for the capital to protest the execution of his father.
Over a thousand years ago, a tradition started that an emperor should ascend relatively young.