There it was, a flicker of reaction on the otherwise hard and emotionless face.
The huge grin looked wildly out of place on that perpetually emotionless face.
Joe let his usually emotionless face display a smile.
The Vulcan got a determined look on his otherwise emotionless face.
Of course, it has never been proven, but many people feel they can read guilt in the emotionless face she shows the world.
Jason asked, noting that her usually emotionless face was trembling with fear.
Krysty looked across at the blank, emotionless face of the man she loved.
"Colonel, I don't think you should go," she said, her face still emotionless.
Leslie was still sitting in the window seat, staring once more out at the ocean, her face emotionless.
Kenji took a deep breath and gazed at his father's emotionless face.