Paneok became an emotionally troubled adolescent who at one point was in a juvenile detention center.
Often, emotionally troubled students or concerned parents and friends contact the campus clergy first.
No special education program exists for learning-disabled or emotionally troubled youths.
The family included in its prayers one for emotionally troubled people.
Stelios, the older brother, was an emotionally troubled soldier who drowned 11 years before, possibly a suicide.
But there is no question the situation for emotionally troubled teenagers is getting worse, experts say.
The primary focus of the programs is residential treatment for emotionally troubled youth.
"Films are smoother than life," he points out as the fictive director to an emotionally troubled actor.
Applies strength-based principles for building positive peer cultures to emotionally troubled students.
The victims also seemed less emotionally troubled than many people expected, he said.
He has been favorably profiled on national television for adopting children who are physically disabled or emotionally troubled.
Emotionally troubled, with low self-esteem, a girl unhappily pretending to be something she wasn't in order to please.
But it has left both girls very confused, and emotionally troubled.
He seemed very emotionally troubled by his own actions afterward, and died as an old man doing harsh physical labor to punish himself.
The authorities said the card suggested that the shooter was emotionally troubled.
Emotionally troubled, he dropped out of high school in 1958 and came to New York.
Doctors and social workers had found Ricky to be intelligent but emotionally troubled.
If psychological testing revealed that he was emotionally troubled, would his behavior be less repugnant?
The few friends he did have were just as disturbed and emotionally troubled as he was.
Psychiatrists concluded that he was emotionally troubled, and his school has provided him with special-education services.