The re-appearance of her former lover emotionally challenges her and impacts her marriage.
The book centers on the emotionally challenged Lenore Stonecipher Beadsman, a 24-year-old telephone switchboard operator who questions her own reality.
"Our programs are challenging emotionally and physically," she said, adding that students looking solely to pad a résumé "are usually not the best fit."
The Legislature and Governor will also have to find $1.8 billion for school repairs by the year 2000, computerize classrooms for all poor schools and implement programs for mentally or emotionally challenged kids.
What are the chances that a bilingual student, a special-education student or an emotionally or academically challenged student would be accepted?
This stage - when your loved one is able to get around but has poor judgment - is physically and emotionally challenging for the caregiver.
It was a complex, contradictory role, yet still not as emotionally challenging as the one he plays in Sebastian Barry's "Steward of Christendom."
Atul has described the role as physically as well as emotionally challenging.
What makes science fiction such a remarkable genre is that in fewer than 240 pages an emotionally and stylistically challenged protagonist like Jim can end up chatting with God, resuscitating the man he called Dad and reinventing the universe.
Since Henry the Eighth, common law practices were harsh whereas petty thieves were executed, as well as criminals whose motives were understood as emotionally challenging to maintain self-control.