Sometimes these children are only susceptible for very basic emotional and sensory stimulation.
Specifically, the socioemotional network, which dictates responses to social and emotional stimulation, develops more rapidly and earlier during puberty.
Factors that tend to diminish symptoms are comforting interpersonal interactions, intense physical or emotional stimulation, and relaxation.
Never before had she felt such exquisite physical and emotional stimulation.
The elephants are exercised and stimulated daily and training provides emotional and mental stimulation.
According to an orchestra member, "the Leningrad authorities wanted to give the people some emotional stimulation so that they could feel cared for".
Nerzhin basked in a faint and not unpleasant sense of emotional stimulation.
I suppose the album is to be a kind of cure, hopefully, for this prevailing lack of mental and emotional stimulation.
If so, then the intellectual enrichment of the forms and surfaces of our general environment will also offer emotional stimulation.
"It is a matter of identifying the poor caretaking behavior that exists, or whether the child lacks adequate emotional stimulation," he said.