Genuine intimacy and emotional spontaneity in movies, of course, haven't disappeared.
For example, at least a dozen of the show's painters are still drawing inspiration from Abstract Expressionism, producing essays in painterly and emotional spontaneity.
The drama's allegorical implications are underscored by rigidly stylized performances that allow little emotional spontaneity.
There's nothing wrong with the idea that the conscious mind can interfere with emotional spontaneity.
In short, his music presents an evident emotional charge, but always with a personal style that arises from the composer's deep reflection and not from emotional spontaneity.
Had she fallen into the Terran way of making love by the clock, with no room for emotional spontaneity?
With her oversize nasal voice, Basia projected an enthusiastic exuberance but failed to convey any rhythmic or emotional spontaneity.
But emotional spontaneity has not been difficult.
If Washington's rules suggest how better manners could improve society, that improvement would entail restrictions on emotional spontaneity and self-expression.
But if Ms. Ferrell's performance delivered some exciting jolts, what was presented as inspired emotional spontaneity frequently turned into repetitious vocal meandering.