He appeared uncomfortable with the sort of muscular, emotional rhetoric that ground zero triggered in other politicians.
Several of its essays are personal in nature, with obvious emotional rhetoric.
Forests in particular and national lands in general should be run on sound science and conservation principles rather than on emotional rhetoric designed for political effect.
Russian official policy, as distinct from the emotional rhetoric that now poisons the air, has actually been moderate and responsible.
Both sides engaged in emotional and nationalistic rhetoric.
His emotional and poetic rhetoric often brought mostly malicious accusations of extremism.
Mr. Lucas later said he "didn't mind being bracketed with Keynes," but regretted the session's high ratio of emotional rhetoric to economic thought.
There was emotional rhetoric, but it wasn't particularly convincing, and even Mayito, the group's best singing improviser, sleepwalked through his parts.
Bevan's emotional rhetoric lifted their hearts and for the time being at least brought them all together.
Modern commentators have praised Darrow's closing argument, which used powerful emotional rhetoric focused on the moral superiority of the unions' position.