They were slices of her mind, the crucial portions; subconscious inhibitions and emotional reticence rooted out, discarded.
Neil LaBute's screenplay for "Possession," which opened in the summer, highlights the emotional reticence that distinguishes his contemporary lovers from those of mid-19th-century England.
All of them shared, in varying degrees, the solo's somewhat distancing oddity and emotional reticence.
Yin and Yang But at the same time, Seattle has always been marked by a certain emotional reticence, perhaps a legacy from its early Scandinavian settlers.
In later years, Mr. Kaplan says, James's shyness and emotional reticence would turn him into a perpetual observer.
As she concedes, May's emotional reticence, her "lack of self-consciousness," is "a negative quality to the biographer, whom it condemns to incessant speculation."
He wasn't the only one weeping in the crowded crematorium, and being far from home seemed to liberate him from his usual emotional reticence.
Opting for science will permit and possibly reinforce emotional reticence.
Bishop's poetry was strongly influenced by Moore, in its commitment to description, its fascination with odd bits of nature, even its emotional reticence.
The church Pam joins after her second husband receives Christ promotes a feminized love ideal that criticizes men's emotional reticence and discomfort with intimacy.