But even more troublesome was the fact that on this occasion these two stars danced together with great skill but insufficient emotional rapport.
It was too much like her own emotional rapport with Worf.
The child developed mental or emotional rapport with other life, including animals and plants, and there was a faint mental aura that sophisticated sensors could detect.
Sexual relationships everywhere are motivated by a combination of physical attraction, emotional rapport and financial calculation.
Pine credits her experience playing in a rock band with improving her emotional rapport with her audiences.
They're a quick way to establish emotional rapport with voters.
Then, as he touched her, the emotional rapport deepened, became a stronger awareness in her body, something new and strange, but not frightening.
"The degree to which people's movements seem orchestrated determines how much emotional rapport they will feel," Dr. Bernieri said.
Analysis of videotapes of their interaction found that those pairs whose movements were in greatest synchrony also felt the most emotional rapport with each other.
The link between the replicate and myself was not telepathy, but something I should call 'telempathy' - an emotional rapport, not an intellectual one.