It offers a highly regarded program for children with emotional or physical handicaps.
This year, he attended the Manhattan Transition Center, a public school that provides work training for non-diploma-bound students with serious learning disabilities and emotional handicaps.
When children have special needs, including emotional and physical handicaps, the failure rate is about 25 percent.
In one study of children with severe emotional handicaps, half received normal care, attending standard activity groups.
Given the emotional handicaps of his parents, says Mr. von Rezzori, he spent his early childhood unable to feel any real emotion except hatred.
Very well, it was up to Greenberg to foster that angle and help the boss get past his emotional handicap in dealing through a Rargyllian.
They added that the city school system had 116,000 children with physical, mental and emotional handicaps, about 11 percent of the school population.
Learning disabilities, emotional handicaps, neurological impairments and other classifications were relatively new terms to the mainstream of education.
Then they need not think that they must put on the mask of "being bad" in order to hide a learning disability or an emotional handicap.