Sahakian's research is aimed at understanding the neural basis of cognitive, emotional and behavioural dysfunction in order to develop more effective pharmacological and psychological treatments.
Recovery program that deals with every aspect of addiction and dysfunction (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and social).
She believes that homosexual couples are unfit to parent and have "numerous emotional dysfunctions and psychological issues."
"As you can see, she has a history of emotional dysfunction."
Her second insight involved the need for a commensurate commitment from patients, who needed to be willing to accept their dire level of emotional dysfunction.
Borderline personality disorder is characterized by extensive behavioral and interpersonal difficulties that arise from emotional and cognitive dysfunction.
But whether caused by family upbringing, genetic predisposition or acute stress, all mental illness and temporary emotional dysfunction are rooted in the brain.
In the course of my journey, I have experienced and witnessed massive emotional dysfunction, the loss of jobs, relationships, family breakdown and imprisonment.
I know this is hard for you to accept, but heterosexuality is considered an emotional dysfunction.
His severe emotional dysfunction was very clearly apparent.