Two new duets took amused looks at men and women trying to make emotional contact.
Forced to face reality of a grim kind, they withdraw from an even more threatening one - emotional contact.
The original short story was very focused on Gopal's loneliness, and his initial inability to make physical or emotional contact with anyone.
We really don't have any contact, emotional or otherwise, with China.
"And they try to have a relationship without feeling or emotional contact."
I spoke deliberately, in a firm, didactic manner, to minimize any emotional contact or concern.
It's odd, in a place devoted to combat, that there is normally so little emotional contact.
You spent days together, days full of intense emotional contact.
At the center of her work is a man, which establishes emotional contact and who becomes the main character.
Even after hanging up, she kept her hand on the receiver, reluctant to break the emotional contact.