So the annual baseball championship series provides an emotional catharsis.
The emotional catharsis that some were hoping for from the President did not materialize.
From the beginning of this epidemic, there has been a yearning for moral simplicity and emotional catharsis.
But if the music is toned down too much, the scene might not give the audience the emotional catharsis it wants from the climax.
The book, finding its way into virtually every Jewish home, provided them with an emotional catharsis.
Each procedure brings some kind of crucial emotional catharsis to Meredith and her friends.
Over the years this classic has become a dance about physical rather than emotional catharsis, regrettably but perhaps inevitably.
This may not have led to the sort of satisfying emotional catharsis that the typical symphonic program provides.
Then, he said, one night, while working late on his book, he had some sort of emotional catharsis.
Keller was there too, still shaken by an experience which for him had no emotional catharsis attached.