"It's not only the physical support, but the emotional boost," Ms. Goldblum said.
Though immature and impetuous, Rusty does at times give his hero an emotional boost in morale.
The assistance was an emotional boost at the right time.
Mayor Favre calls the bridge a tremendous psychological and emotional boost.
"It was a big emotional boost to see people who had come out on the other end," Mr. Glennon said.
The work's success brought Bartók some measure of financial security and provided him with a much-needed emotional boost.
Swimming, movement and dance, and other programs can offer a physical and emotional boost.
But a person having surgery just to help somebody else faces all risk and no benefit, except for the emotional boost of having helped.
Besides, we could all use a little emotional boost every now and then.
I think, whether it's an emotional boost or not, I can go out and help them make their game easier just by communicating with them.