In physical terms, emotions involve body systems which have operated for hundreds of millions of years.
However self-conscious emotions heavily involve the body in addition to the face (Darwin, 1965).
It may well be the case that causality flows in both directions, dependent on the individual, the emotions, and the cognitions involved.
They know the emotion involved.
Even those who cannot tell the Trojans from the Greeks in this large cast, which includes a wonderful chorus, will recognize the emotions involved.
All three moral emotions involve condemnation of others, yet they illustrate very diverse ideas within the realm of moralization.
The process to which we regulate our emotions is very complex and involves four stages:
The spider puppy had been looking from face to face and listening to a conversation far beyond its powers, although it may have sensed the emotions involved.
"I can understand his anguish, I can understand the emotions involved," Mr. Bush said.
The relational aspect involves the relationship between a person and the environment and suggests that emotions always involve an interaction between the two (Lazarus, 1991).