Each year brings different pieces of writing while emotions are flaring in the air and words are being used to express strong messages to the audience.
But every time they were within orb of one an- other, their emotions flared.
Several emotions flared in her expressionanger, confusion, excitement, fearbefore she man- 36 Betina Krahn aged to find her tongue.
His memory failed, and his emotions flared inexplicably.
Protest leaders worked for weeks to ensure that long-simmering emotions associated with the hot-button bombing issue would not flare into violence.
Earlier this month, those ambivalent emotions flared again as Queen Elizabeth tried her best to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Indian independence.
As the victims bemoaned their lost xue han qian - money earned with blood and sweat - emotions flared.
Old memories and emotions flared brighter.
His emotions flare quickly out of control, and he runs away from the Shaolin Temple.
As emotions flared, at least one American securities firm disclosed its trading data to try to dispel the idea that Americans were behind the market slide.