Now, many researchers say the dominant emotion experienced after loss is yearning or searching.
Discusses death and the fear of death, explains the emotions experienced when someone you know is killed and gives strategies to cope with them.
In this astonishingly beautiful, often somber work, emotions experienced long ago do not reappear coated with the softening cobwebs of time.
Never before in her short life had she experienced such emotions, such passion.
The person may not remember what actually happened while emotions experienced during the trauma may be reexperienced without the person understanding why (see Repressed memory).
Women during delivery vary enormously in physical condition, emotion and pain experienced.
Angry, frustrated, humiliated - all the usual emotions experienced time and again in his presence.
She had seen what he had seen, experienced the same dizzying emotions, the confusion, the sense of liberation, the awareness of 'coming home'.
This is more problematic because the emotions experienced with homesickness must be internally processed.
Emotions change over time, too; the emotions initially experienced may not be what people feel down the road.